In december 28th, minors will be able to access to live music in Madrid estate. But, this new legislation adds some limitations that we’d like to explain.
Alcohol distribution to under age people is still prohibited.
If you are younger than 16, you must access to the gigs with a progenitor or guardian of legal age. He or he can be anybody, but must sign a document with a copy of his/her id document an minor’s one and recognising that he or she is responsible of minor’s well-being. This document can be downloaded here.
If you are older tan 16 years, then you can come without guardian, but remember: we can’t sell you any alcoholic drink.
Minors access is only alowed to live music shows. You can stay into our gig after the concert is over.
Our staff can help you to choose any drink suitable for you: coffees, milkshakes, ice creams, etc.
Now everybody is welcome to enjoy live music, and the age will be never a obstacle.
The new law can be checked here (in Spanish):
Guardians form (you must add a copy of your id card and the minor’s one, and deliver it at venue’s entrance):